BCL’s new direction in 2023
We’ve been quieter than usual this last quarter of 2022 as we hunkered down to work on something that has changed the direction of our company’s future. Until we’re able to share the news officially in 2023, we’d like to announce that our print magazine, blog and socials will begin to reflect more of our own projects after six years of documenting what’s been happening out there in the Windsor community.

Not to say that we won’t still be sharing our favourite destinations and designs with you, because we definitely still will be. Now, as it happens, many of our favourite, well-designed destinations throughout the county are BCL projects in some way. Connecting people with inspiring properties is what we do best, and we want to keep doing it!

From colourful, creative homes to the city’s best cafés, we’ll be pivoting to share stories with you of homes that BCL has designed as well as homes and properties that our clients have developed and reimagined in an inspiring way.
We’ll also be documenting more behind-the-scenes of our staging projects, new BCL flips, and insights into how we believe thoughtfully acquired and developed real estate can make Windsor & Essex a more beautiful place for generations to come.
Happy Holidays and cheers to our clients, collaborators, friends and future clients-to-be!